How will Covid-19 affect Your reproductive health?

The Case for Her looks at sexual and reproductive health and rights during the onset of…

The Global Menstrual Collective joint statement for CSW 64

In support of the Commission of the Status of Women, the Beijing Declaration and Platform…

Introducing the Menstrual Practice Needs Scale

Ensuring the critical health needs of menstruators with a new tool for monitoring and…

Mind the pleasure gap with The Case for Her and Teen Vogue

People with a positive view of their sexuality are more likely to engage in safe sex…

Putting menstruation on the sexual health agenda

Calling for the integration of menstrual health into the Sexual and Reproductive Health…

International Day of the Girl: A call for investment in menstrual health

Despite how common and important it is as an indicator of physical health, menstruation…

The Sheosk Study: A story of choice

A pilot study in Nairobi, Kenya, reveals the importance of offering choice in menstrual…

What Does menstruation have to do with babies and family planning?

What does menstruation have to do with family planning? Learn how menstruation is…