Have you ever wondered why we don’t have answers to the most basic questions about women’s health like,  “Why does menopause occur?” or “What causes endometriosis, and can we cure it?” or even,  “What is the impact of oral contraceptives on mental health?” 

That many of these questions are still unanswered may be because there has been – and still is – a substantial gender research gap. It wasn’t until 1993 that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) mandated that clinical trials should be run on both men and women. But even though it’s been decades since this decision was taken, still only about 11% of all NIH funding has been directed toward women’s health (2019 data), and medical research remains dominated by the notion that the male body is the “medical norm.”  The result?  Women’s health suffers.

But change is afoot! Sara Kempaiinen, the founder of 50y, has made it her mission to close the gender research gap with “Repro Grants,” a newly released initiative. Repro Grants provides “fast grants” from $25K-$100K for research initiatives focusing on women’s reproductive health. Repro Grants uses an accessible application process and quick turn-around, all aimed at supporting the data and understanding needed to uncover solutions to women’s health needs. 

The Case for Her is thrilled to support Repro Grants together with other avid supporters of reproductive health:  Ilkka Paananen, Molly Mackinlay, Benet Juan, The Inner Foundation, and ATAI Impact. 

You can find more about Repro Grants here.