Abortion Access
Access to safe abortion is a fundamental right that is integral to achieving gender equality, is key to bodily autonomy, and should simply be a matter of basic healthcare.
The impact of abortion access at the individual, community, and country levels is vast and far-reaching. When we support women’s right to choose, we see more women pursuing education, higher participation in the workforce, and an increase in overall well-being – positive outcomes for all of society.
The Case for Her partners with organizations working at the forefront of abortion access.
IPPF is a global healthcare provider and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. Our work is wide-ranging, including comprehensive sex education, provision of contraceptive, safe abortion, and maternal care and responding to humanitarian crises.

“The team at The Case for Her are not only visionary investors, but dedicated to uplifting and empowering startups like Hey Jane in the reproductive healthcare space. At every turn they’ve shown a passion for supporting our innovative approach to telemedicine abortion care, and have not only supported our growth, but have also been incredible partners and advocates. During this pivotal moment for abortion care, we’re grateful to have them by our side.”
Kiki Freedman, Co-founder and CEO

“The Case for Her has been pivotal to Vitala Global’s catalytic growth in expanding access to comprehensive abortion care in Venezuela. When we connected in 2021 Cristina and Wendy saw potential in our work and rallied together like-minded philanthropists to provide funding to allow us to be responsive to the needs of our Venezuelan users. Not only has The Case for Her’s funding been catalytic but the network that they belong to has opened up a number of doors for us and is supporting our scaling efforts in Venezuela and beyond. They are partners that are committed to being on a journey with us to truly ensure that no woman or girl globally is left behind in accessing her reproductive rights. We are so grateful for their trust and support for innovators like ourselves to tackle some of the most stigmatized sexual and reproductive health issues we are facing today.”